This site is dedicated to the preservation of memory of silent films. Although they were quite important in the evolution of cinema, they remain virtually forgotten nowadays. Since the best way to understand the present is taking an attentive look at the past, here you have some movies, pictures, interviews, etc. on silent cinema. Some occasional material on sound films will also be presented. I hope you enjoy getting to know a bit more about the beauty and sheer fun of these golden oldies.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
New York Police Boat Patrol Capturing Pirates - 1903
American movie. Photographed May 10, 1903.
Thomas A. Edison, Inc.
Camera: Edwin S. Porter, James Blair Smith
This was probably filmed in the southern part of the Upper New York Bay looking towards the Narrows, with Fort Lafayette partly visible in the far background. The subject is a simulated capture of three ''pirates'' in a rowboat by the police gunboat ''Patrol.'' Puffs of smoke appear as the gunboat fires several rounds from the bow cannon, which can be clearly seen later in a side view of the boat [1:04]. The ''Patrol'' was a steel twin screw, 135 foot, 118 ton police boat, built in 1893 at Sparrow's Point, Maryland.
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