Friday, August 12, 2011

Marble Heart - 1913

Marble Heart: Two reels of approx.2,000 feet, released May 13, 1913.
A story of unrequited love, with three popular Thanhouser stars James Cruze, Margurite Snow and Florence LaBadie.
Scenario adapted from the play by Charles Selby.
Print source: Museum of Modern Art, 26 minutes, 50 seconds.
Cast: Marguerite Snow (Marco, the woman with the marble heart), James Cruze (Raphael, the jilted sculptor), Florence LaBadie (Marie, the girl who found refuge in the sculptor's home), William Russell (the editor friend), Burton Law.
Original music composed and performed by Ray Brubacher​people/​Rayb.htm.
This story, already a well-known English play of 1854 adapted from an earlier French play, casts the three most popular Thanhouser adult stars in a story of unrequited love, with a dream sequence that parallels the main story. Pale makeup is especially noticeable in some scenes, the answer to orthochromatic film’s blotchy-dark rendering of skin tones. Within a couple of years the technique of film makeup, filtering and lighting would be greatly improved.

For futher information on films by Thanhouser, visit the site above. Let’s keep memories of this great studio alive.

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