Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fording the Lincoln Highway - 1924

Country: United States
Footage of the ten millionth Ford traveling along the Lincoln Highway across the United States. Crowds, parades, celebrations and motorcades greeted them in locations along the route. Text regarding journey: "The ten millionth. New York to San Francisco"--"Meeting the mayor of Jersey City on the way to Kearny plant"-- "Governor Silzer extends a hearty welcome at Trenton, N.J."--"Mayor Donnelly of Trenton"--"If William Penn and his Quaker colony culd only see the 10 millionth Ford in Philadelphia"--"Big parades greet the 10 millionth at every turn. Fifty cars parade through Philadelphia"--"Just a short visit at Gettysburg, where history was made"--"Eddie Plank, onetime famous baseball pitcher, said 'this is the 10 millionth hit for Ford'"--"In the Blue Ridge Mountains"--"The old covered bridge"--"The summit of the Allegheny Mountains on the Lincoln Highway"--"Maybe Magee greets us at the City Hall Pittsburg"--"Ohio heralds our arrival with a boy band"--"Where Nebraska, Wyoming, the Lincoln Highway and the 10 millionth meet"--"Pine Bluff, Wyoming"--"The 13th Calvary band played 'Cheyenne' and we know where we were"--"The late Governor W.B. Ross acted as though he would like to see all the rest of the ten million Fords come to Wyoming......but not at the same time"-- "A cool reception awaited us near Laramie"--"Westward again"--"When yesterday and today meet in a picturesque setting of the West".

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